ASCLEPIUS FOR KIDS: The Greek god of medicine
You may have heard of some of the Greek gods like Zeus, Athena, and Apollo. You might know that Athens was named after Athena, that the Olympics were in celebration of Zeus, and that Apollo drew the sun across the sky. These are some of the twelve famous gods and goddesses of ancient Greece known as the Olympians, but what you might not know is that the Ancient Greeks worshiped WAY MORE THAN TWELVE GODS.
On top of the twelve Olympians, in Ancient Greece there were many minor gods that the citizens of Greece prayed to and sacrificed to. One of these minor gods was called Asclepius. Asclepius was the god of medicine.
Asclepius had a staff with a snake wrapped around it. He was thought to take on the form of a snake, and so the snake represented him. The staff with the snake is still used as a medical symbol today!
Asclepius was the son of the sun god Apollo and a princess named Koronis. Instead of being raised by his parents, Asclepius’s caregiver was a centaur. The centaur taught him how to practice medicine and Asclepius got so good that he could bring people back from the dead! If Zeus hadn’t intervened and stopped Asclepius from bringing back the dead we might all be immortals today!